Today I used my hand mixer three times. This morning I made pancakes, then I made an adaptation of Cranberry Bliss Bars - which I let cool, frosted, and then froze to store for Thanksgiving - and tonight I'm making Pumpkin Applesauce Muffins.
Dry ingredients for Pumpkin Applesauce Muffins.
The Busy-Day Cake turned out really well, just a bit dry because I checked it, decided it needed 5 more minutes, but it turns out it didn't. I should have taken it out earlier, or just given it two more minutes instead of 5. Oh well. Yesterday, with two slices remaining, I made a quick breakfast for myself and a friend who stopped by. I warmed up some frozen berries, sliced big hunks of cake, drizzled them with maple syrup, and tossed the warm berries on top. With black coffee, our breakfast was perfect.
Busy-Day Cake with maple syrup and warm berries.
In baby news, the Bedtime is working out. Tonight he became hungry and droopy eyed at 6 instead of 7, so I just went with it and gave him a bottle in our dark bedroom. By 6.30 I was doing some dishes. I don't blame him, I'm extra tired today, too. In fact, after the rest of the muffins get done baking, I'm heading to bed.
Somehow, Finn grows cuter by the day.
That's him last night. Today he is 2 months old. He coos, smiles, and kicks a lot. He basically makes anyone who comes near him feel like they won the lottery because he is so cute and so sweet. I know I'm biased, but just ask my friends. He's a laid back baby with a developing personality. I can't wait to find out who he is.
I am also relishing his small size, because he just keeps getting bigger. One day he won't be my warm bundle of goodness and joy, tucked in next to me in the mornings. He'll be an awkward middle schooler, or a sulky teenager, or a grown man, with his own place to live and maybe his own children.
But right now he is mine, all mine. He is small, and he smells young, that's the only way to put it. His fingers are tiny, his ears are seashells, translucent and new. His lips are soft, searching. His eyes are bright and big, alert and adventurous. He's perfect, and he's all mine.
p.s. I forgot to do Wordless Wednesday again this week! Drat.
p.p.s. this batch of muffins did not turn out as well as the last time I made them. too much free-styling.